Thursday, May 8, 2008

Baby Karstan

Hang loose!

He was young enough that he would curl up for me!

I thought the hat was cute!

Karstan has a good big sister to look after him.

Perfect timing for the big smile!

Well I had just gotten back from a get-away with my husband. After relaxing and enjoying the "No-Stress Policy," I felt ready and confident to do another newborn photo shoot. Karstan was so good, and he let me curl him up in fun positions. He is a week and a half old, but he also isn't technically due yet because he came 2 1/2 weeks early! I find that this makes for great newborn shoots because they are more likely to sleep. Of course Karstan had to get used to the bright lights and different environment, but then he slept great!
Now I am really excited to update my website (coming soon!). I will have some great newborn photos, some of which have not been shown on the blog! This update will hopefully happen in the next week or two. That is if I can ever get caught up . . .

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