Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cade & Hayli's Engagements

So now that I put these pictures bigger, it is more visible what resizing pictures does sometimes with the coloring! The coloring isn't going to be this red and orange. Don't worry, I'm on a mission to fix the way the pictures appear on Blogger sometimes! Well back to the original post:
I had so much fun with these two! We did a big variety of different looks: both the urban and the garden look. They were totally up for anything! I had lots of fun talking with them and getting to know them. They are such a beautiful looking couple, so of course it made my job way easy! I am really excited to photograph their wedding in September!


Macy said...

Angela - blast from your past here...I found your blog and website from a comment you left about Kylee M.'s engagements. Your family is so beautiful. I'm very proud of you starting this business. You have a great eye. And such great locations for shooting! I need to do more research on locations here...

Unknown said...

ONE more question :)
What do you use to get her eyes to pop like that?