Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Outdoor Newborn Session

Here's a sneak peek of Baby Lauren! I couldn't help but fall in love with this first picture! Binky and all! We had tons of great pictures, which I'll showcase later, but I just had to share one of my newest ideas. My aunt just gave this to me last night, I looked at it and said, "That's it?" referring to the size of it. I thought that there was no way a newborn could fit in there, but sure enough, little Lauren looked too cute in it!
For all of you Mothers having babies this summer, now is the time we can do outdoor newborn sessions. The weather is perfect and warm enough that it's fine taking the baby out. So for the next month and a half, maybe two, is the only time we can do these fun outdoor sessions. And, no the whole session is not outside, most of it is inside, but it's fun bringing baby out for pictures that look like this! If you are wanting your baby photographed in the next month or two, please give me a call as soon as possible because August is already pretty full, so I'd need to plan ahead in order to squeeze you in!
Well stay tuned for more of Baby Lauren! She was such a great baby and slept a lot! I love those babies who love binkies! Always have pretty good luck with them!


Britanee Walker said...

that is such a cute picture! i love that carriage! too cute!

Kara May said...

Adorable~ love the vintage buggy!!