Thursday, April 9, 2009

Elise & Scott :)

Elise and Scott went to the same high school in Texas. However, they never took much notice of each other. Scott was one of her older brother's friends, and she thought of him as too "cool" to take much notice of her at the time. Besides, the two of them were already busy dating other people at the time.
Well fast forward several years after the high-school years . . . Now they are both at college in Utah, and by chance ran into each other. Elise's eyes were a little more open to this handsome friend of her brother's. But she was determined to be the matchmaker and set him up with her friend. She told her, "He's so nice and fun!" Well Scott knew that Elise would be able to help him as he dated her friend and came to her for advice. Elise was trying to help Scott become a great boyfriend for her friend. However, she didn't realize that slowly he was falling for her, and she for him.
Now here they are. Sometimes life brings you to be with a person that you never anticipated. But it's wonderful. It's love.

Read the shoes: "Not Rated." I thought it ironic for this picture!

Isn't she just gorgeous?!!

These were just a few funny ones!

Wow their colors just worked perfect for this fun building, huh?

There really were way too many favorites of mine from this session! Maybe I'll get my engagement section on my wedding site updated one of these days . . . then I can include more of this gorgeous couple!
These two are getting married in Texas in May. I wish them tons of happiness! Thanks for letting me capture your engagements and the love between you two!


Henderson Family said...

All of those pictures are so gorgeous. I especially love the bright colors.

Stan said...

Totally fun and different. I love the yellow wall with their bright shirts. I'm sure Elise loves her pictures.

Unknown said...

I love the colours!!

Unknown said...

Great storytelling! This was really fun to read and feel like I knew the couple a little bit because of it. So then it was even more fun to see the beautiful pictures!